Frequently Asked Questions:
- Why is it a "time trial" swim start? A: In an effort to make the swim portion as stress free and safe as possible, we are opting to use a time trial start to minimize crowding in the water. We will be sending 2 people into the water approximately every 3 seconds (i.e. 25-30 people every minute)
- Why is the start determined in part by when I register? A: To reward those that sign up early and make our race committee's lives easier for planning.
- Why are the mini-sprint starting nearly an hour after the Sprint? A: Since the mini-sprint distance is considerably shorter than the Sprint distance, we are delaying the mini-sprint start to help with traffic flow on the bike course and in the transition area. Most mini-sprint participants should still finish with the rest of the participants.
- Is there an elite wave? A: No, there is no "elite wave", as in this race we're all considered "common folk".
- Is there a team/relay option? A: No. This course was designed for one athlete to be able to complete all 3 portions.
- If I've done triathlons before, can I still sign up for the mini-sprint distance? A: Yes, you most certainly can! It's just a distance option.
- If I've never done a triathlon before, can I try the sprint distance? A: If you feel you're up for the extra challenge, then yes again!
- Can I switch between the Sprint and mini-sprint distances, if I change my mind at a later date? A: Yes, all change requests must be be made by midnight, one week prior to the day of the race. Race Director will attempt to contact you to confirm the change. Additional fee may apply, if changing to the sprint distance.
- Will there be training sessions prior to the race? A: Yes, click here for more info.
- Why is the race on Labor Day weekend? A: Because the beach is still open for business until the weekend before Labor Day weekend, so avoid the traffic by driving up to the cabin after the race on Saturday morning.
- What is a "swim angel"? A: a person that will join you on the swim course and stay by your side the entire time. They can help coach you and keep you calm and focused in the water. They can not actually assist you, nor teach you to swim. To request one, click here.
- Why do you serve hot dogs and ice pops at the post race meal? A: The short of it is that hot dogs and ice pops are reasonably priced and relatively simple to prepare. Some races (including IronMan) serve pizza and soda afterwards, and they charge a lot more for registration. We decided to provide all-beef hot dogs and ice pops to everyone, including fans (which very few races do). To keep in compliance with local food ordinances, we opted to go with a simple and hopefully enjoyable addition to the post race nourishment. We do also offer special dietary options, like veggie dogs, gluten free buns, etc.
- Why is the bike course a triple loop? A: Due to the number of controlled intersections found in an urban environment, the planning committee decided a triple loop would provide minimal disruption to the hosting communities, while at the same time providing a challenging and enjoyable race course (plus extra viewing opportunity for your fans).